WTFork is Huitlacoche

Huitlacoche Quesadilla

Huitlacoche Quesadilla


Huitlacoche is also called Mexican Truffle or Corn Smut but almost every forking menu I’ve seen it on just calls it Huitlacoche.

A fungus or disease causes corn kernels to swell in size and turn a blushish color and boy it looks forking unappetizing but you need to cook it till it turns black and then it can be used.

People prize Huitlacoche for it’s woody sweet, savory mild mushroom flavor. Most often it’s served in Quesadillas but also can be used in egg dishes, sauces and soups.

Huitlacoche has been considered a delicacy for centuries in Aztec Cuisine and is many times more expensive than the corn it comes from. It can be purchased fresh, frozen, canned and bottled.

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