Monthly Archives: May 2014

Balsamic Roasted Radishes, Carrots, & Onions


It’s very trendy these days to Roast your radishes. So I roasted a bunch of them up with a branch of Bay leaves, Fresh Crushed Sea Salt, Fresh Ground Black Pepper thinly sliced sweet onions and drizzled them with Balsamic Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil at 400 degrees for about two hours. The Radishes lose the peppery flavor and become sweet. The Balsamic reduces and gets really sweet and flavorful and the Onions are really forking good. I reserved some onions for my meatloaf sauce.


I also Roasted up and browned my Carrots.

Roasted Red Carrots

Roasted Red Carrots

I then decided they really compliment each other and should be served together.

So this is how I put them all together for dinner.


This is something you might try for dinner.

Forking Good!

Forking Good!


Duchess Style Parsnips Recipe

Duchess Style Parsnips

Duchess Style Parsnips

Going out to dine is different these days and certain meals sort have gone out of style like Chateaubriand with those insanely good Duchess Potatoes. You sure haven’t seen that on a menu in decades.  I guess that’s an old fashioned meal but it also seemed so special. Going out to dine with someone special and sharing a special platter for two with really great Potatoes!

I thought maybe an updated version of “Duchess”  just might be Parsnips! And Wow they did come out delicious! They have even more flavor than a Potato.

Ingredients makes about 12 servings

About 3 lb.s of Parsnips cut in small pieces

About 1/2 C of Heavy Cream

4oz. of soft butter

about 1/8t. of Nutmeg

About 1/2 t. of Fresh Crushed Black Pepper

About 1/2t. of Ground White Pepper

3 Beaten Egg Yolks


My parsnips seemed very fresh since I purchased them from the Farmers Market. I thought the skins were thin and the cores didn’t seem too woody so I used them and roasted them all up in a covered pan with a little water a sprinkle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and fresh Ground Sea Salt and Fresh Crushed Black Pepper. Normally you do have to remove skin and woody part of the cores. It just depends on how your parsnips are.  My oven was set at 400 and they took only 45 minutes to become fork tender.

I used my Emersion Blender and whirled up everything. I then checked seasonings and made adjustments. Then I filled my pastry bag with my widest Star Tip I had and piped the Parsnip mixture onto a greased pan.


My oven was set at 400 degrees and the Duchess Style Parsnips  took about 20 minutes.

Forking Good!

Forking Good!


Focaccia it’s easier than Pizza Helpful Hints

Blue Cheese, Balsamic & Walnut Focaccia and a Gilled Vegetable Focaccia & Italian Style Sushi.

Blue Cheese, Balsamic & Walnut Focaccia and a Gilled Vegetable Focaccia & Italian Style Sushi.

Focaccia is traditionally seasoned with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt and Herbs. It’s considered a side but can be used to make a sandwich.

Focaccia is NOT FORKING Pizza.



Pizza is round and has a crisp crust. Focaccia is square and is cut into squares. Focaccia doesn’t have a crisp crust. Focaccia dough differs in taste from pizza dough. It’s essential to taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the salt when you eat Focaccia and shouldn’t be too many toppings.

All you need to make Focaccia is.

Bread Flour

Extra Virgin Olive Oil




Salt (Sea Salt or Kosher Salt)

Water, Yeast and sugar till it bubbles.

Water, Yeast and sugar till it bubbles.

After your Water, Sugar and Yeast Bubbles  add your Bread Flour, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Salt. Leave your Dough Ball in a warm place covered with plastic wrap. When it doubles punch down dough and let it rise again.

Oiled and salted Dough in an oiled pan

Oiled and salted Dough in an oiled pan

I dotted the dough Oiled and salted it.

This one I topped with Sauce, a Cheese Blend and Herbs. And baked it off at 350 for about 25 minutes.



Then I cut a piece to try.


It came out pretty good!

Forking Good!

Forking Good!

Pickled Beets and Watermelon Salad Recipe

Pickled Beet and Watermelon Salad

Pickled Beet and Watermelon Salad

I like Pickled  Beets and make them often. I recently made a simple batch of them. I just roasted them up in a covered pan filled with some Cider Vinegar, Some water and some Nectresse (or sugar) . I let them roast at 350 for about an hour till they were fork tender. When they were cool enough to handle I slid the skins off. Sliced them up with very thinly sliced raw onion and let the mixture with it’s  juices  sit. This way they come out nice and not over pickled or too sweet. I added fresh chunks of watermelon to my beet mixture and I think the Pickled Beets with Onions complements the sweetness of the watermelon without overpowering it. This is a very light and refreshing salad that also looks pretty and is something different that I haven’t seen before.


Forking Good!

Forking Good!

Durian Fruit was the strangest Fruit I ever Tasted



It wasn’t too recent but I will never forget how strange Durian Fruit tasted and to this day never tasted anything like it.


All Durian Fruit here in the U.S. is sold frozen because of it’s strong smell so I do note fresh Durian might differ. After thawing my frozen portion a strong strange unfamiliar smell filled the house so I took it outside to try.

The strong smell fascinated my dog. I didn’t offer him any since I didn’t know how it would affect him.


I tried the tiniest smallest amount and found it super concentrated with flavor. For a split moment it almost tasted like very rich creamy sweet banana custard and I thought it wasn’t bad but the taste grows and changes and then turns very oniony. Then it gets super oniony. The banana taste leaves and then it gets like super massive truckloads of rotten onions. That tiny maybe 1/8th of a teaspoon taste turned into like having 100 super rotten onions in my mouth.

I don’t think I’ll be trying Durian Fruit again.

Forking Truth

Forking Truth



Forking Easy Quick Ricotta Gnocchi Recipe

Ricotta Gnocchi

Ricotta Gnocchi

Ricotta Gnocchi are very quick and Forking easy to make. My method differs slightly. Instead of rolling out the dough in flour that toughens the gnocchi these are more tender and light because the dough is extruded threw a pastry bag into the boiling salted water. The Gnocchi are so Forking easy to make you don’t need to measure really. you just need these ingredients and a pastry bag.


Ricotta Cheese ( fresh made from Forking easy previous recipe)

Egg (beaten)

Flour (smaller amount than Ricotta Cheese)

Grated hard Italian Cheese (I used Parmigiano Reggiano) (about a cup)

White Pepper (about 1/2 Teaspoon)

Nutmeg (about 1/8 Teaspoon)

Kosher Salt or Sea Salt (About 1/2 Teaspoon)

Extra Virgin Olive (as gnocchi’s come out of boiling water you drizzle the olive oil to prevent sticking and it also adds flavor)

All you really have to remember is that you want to add as little flour as possible so your Gnocchi isn’t heavy. So eyeball your ricotta cheese and you add in a smaller amount of flour than what you have of ricotta. Add the rest of ingredients. Don’t add much Forking nutmeg you will only need 1/8 of a teaspoon or less you don’t want to taste it but it adds something really nice to the flavor.

This much Flour to Ricotta Cheese

This much Flour to Ricotta Cheese

Combine ingredients and fill your Forking pastry bag. (not a Forking Ziplock bag)


Make them this big and knock them off with your finger.

Make them this big and knock them off with your finger.

When they float to the top they are done and remove with slotted spoon.

When they float to the top they are done and remove with slotted spoon.

Drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Ricotta Gnocchi

Ricotta Gnocchi

Ricotta Gnocchi are Forking Easy to Make!

Forking Good!

Forking Good!

Ricotta Cheese is “Whey” Easier & Quicker to Make than You Think Recipe

All you need to make Ricotta Cheese is Whole Milk, Heavy Cream, Salt and Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice. You don’t even need to measure or use a thermometer. Any Forking Person can make delicious Fresh Ricotta Cheese that taste better than most store purchased and will also have less stabilizers and Chemicals in it.

Some Heavy Cream

Some Heavy Cream

Use some heavy Cream maybe 1/4-1/3 to your ratio of whole milk and some Kosher or Sea Salt. (1/4t.-1t. depending on how much your making) (I used heavy whipping cream because I couldn’t get regular heavy cream from my market, it’s similar enough where it works in this recipe)

Added Milk to the Cream

Added Milk to the Cream

I put my pot on a medium heat and let it slowly boil for about 5 minutes.

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

Then I added my fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and let it boil about 5 minutes.

Cuddles after Lemon Juice

Cuddles after Lemon Juice

Then I pour into Colander with Paper Towel as a liner. I think Paper Towel works better for Ricotta than Cheese Cloth.

Colander with Paper Towel Liner

Colander with Paper Towel Liner


You need to wait maybe 20 minutes for the whey to come out and then your ready for Fresh Ricotta Cheese.


Forking Good!

Forking Good!

Morel Mushrooms are too Forking Dirty to Eat!

After TWO salt water soakings (see the worm coming out)

After TWO salt water soakings (see the worm coming out)

After only trying to prepare Morel Mushrooms twice I decided they are too Forking dirty for me to ever eat.

After first draining

After first draining

A year or so back I had the same exact Forking exsperience I just had this week with Forking Morel Mushrooms. I saw little worms coming out after I washed them. It bothered me.  Not too long after that Chef, TV Personality and Cook Book Author Sara Moulton was accepting Food Related Questions via a Morning Show and I asked her about how do you clean all the worms and stuff out of Morel Mushrooms. Chef Sara said you have to cut them in half and clean them out to see what ‘s in there.  She also said they are so dirty but also are so tasty you just gotta eat them. The Forking Truth!  Not too much latter the Twitter Emeril Lagasse ( I don’t think it really is him and maybe is a paid employee???  Don’t Know!) was taking food related questions and I asked him, how do you clean Morel Mushrooms and he said, “With a Mushroom Brush”.  The Forking Truth!

I decided maybe I just just got some Forking bad ones from AJ’s? I saw some nice looking Morel Mushrooms at the Farmer’s Market and decided to give them another try.

They looked nice but after a day in my Fridg.


I see worms all around the bag. I still try to soak the morels in salt water like you are suppose to do for a day.  A few hours latter they looked like this.


I saw these little white things. Not sure if they are Maggots?

I rinsed them out and then saw another worm coming out and my stomach turned.

I just have to say NO to Morel Mushrooms because they are too FORKING  dirty for me to eat!

Forking Truth

Forking Truth


5-9-14 Ted Allen via Twitter was taking food questions so I asked him my question.


I found my question to Chef Sara Moulton.


I also found my question to Emeril.



Emeril was taking questions at @RED so I asked him my question again.


Restaurants Reviews need to be taken with a Grain of Salt (sometimes truckloads)

92% Approval on Urbanspoon

92% Approval on Urbanspoon

I ‘ve come to the conclusion that you have to take online restaurant reviews with a grain of salt sometimes Forking Truck Loads of Salt.

Forking Truck Load of Salt

Forking Truck Load of Salt

I decided to try this one restaurant that had great reviews on three Forking review sites. On Urbanspoon they had a 92% approval rating.  On Yelp they rate at 4 stars.

Yelp 4 Star Average

Yelp 4 Star Average

On Tripadvisor this same place has a 4.5 Rating out of 5.

Tripadvisor 4.5

Tripadvisor 4.5

I will tell you I first went to this Forking restaurant for lunch.  My husband started with Minestrone Soup. The soup was very thin and burnt tasting with decomposing vegetables in it. The soup also lacked beans and pasta and was very Forking disappointing to say the least. Then our salads arrived. The Greens seemed fresh but were just Iceberg that was topped with vegetables that came from a can or a bottle served with bottle tasting dressing and dry chicken.

A few years went by and this place still has very good reviews and also was featured in our local paper so we decided to Forking try them for dinner hoping they were better for Forking dinner.

The dinner menu was made of mostly Chicken Dishes so I thought Dinner Chicken should be good. I soon received a generous amount of almost solid as rock dry almost Forking tasteless naked pale chicken covered in a thin, oily next to tasteless sauce served with nicely cooked pasta in that same dreadful sauce.


The dinner came with Garlic Toast that just tasted like Cooking Oil with maybe some butter and some dry almost tasteless herbs sprinkled on.

Not Worth a Fork

Not Worth a Fork

Here’s to these online reviews.

I understand a place can have a bad day or do some dishes better than others but there is no way that this place should have the FORKING reviews I read and I know for a fact that this isn’t the only example of this sort of thing.

Forking Truth

Forking Truth

I just had another exsperience reading really great reviews for a little fast/casual Hawaiian Style Eatery in Phoenix.

4.5 Star Average

4.5 Star Average

Honest to GOD the food we tried was mostly inedible. Most of the  food seemed old and like BAD leftovers I do note Leftovers can be good but what I got here seemed pasted it’s prime.  The fried Foods squirted out cold not good tasting oil. The house made potato salad tasted awful but the macaroni salad tasted even worst. I think it was really old because the mayo in it sort of broke down to oil and paste.  Neither the  Potato Salad or the Macaroni Salad seemed to have even just salt or pepper in them and were overly bland.  A few things were edible but were just OK. I was starving so I ate some.

I ate about 1/3 of meal

I ate about 1/3 of meal

This food was not 4.5 stars.

Forking Truth

Forking Truth

Corn Pasta-Corn Patties Recipe


This time of year I came by Corn priced 5 for a $1.00. I didn’t get the best corn as it might have been old since the kernels were kind of dried out. I also had Corn Pasta in my pantry.

Trader Joe's Corn Pasta

Trader Joe’s Corn Pasta

I thought I could make patties with them using Corn Masa Flour.

Corn Masa Flour

Corn Masa Flour

All I needed to add was a few eggs, a little melted butter, (because butter just taste good with corn) Chopped Green Onions, Fresh Crushed Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper. I kept it simple but could have added Fresh Cilantro, Hatch Chili’s, Jalapeño and a garlic clove.

Corn Pasta-Corn Patties

Corn Pasta-Corn Patties

They cooked up real easy on Medium High Heat with just a light spray of canola oil. I lightly salted and peppered each side. They could be kicked up with toppings like sour cream and salsa.

Forking Good!

Forking Good!