I noticed Chobani is offering all these outrageous varieties of yogurt lately, I grew up thinking yogurt was a healthy food but now that is not necessarily the forking truth. Yogurt these days is infused with candy and cookies. The Forking Truth is that these days Yogurt is forking dessert. The yogurt pictured above reads peppermint yogurt with dark chocolate cookies and chunks of chocolates.
Lots of forking key lime everywhere…… now it’s in yogurt and also Key Lime certainly is a dessert.
Strawberry Chocolate Truffle. Chocolate Truffle is a forking candy. Does forking candy belong in yogurt?
Peanut Butter Dream has honey roasted peanuts in it with milk chocolate. Sounds like a candy bar. I do love me some candy but I enjoy candy straight up or in ice cream…..not forking yogurt.
Salted Carmel Crunch….. I don’t forking think yogurt is a heath food anymore. I just don’t…
Here’s a bunch of yogurt that comes with popular chocolate American Candies.
Oreo Cookies made it into yogurt and more candy.
Cotton Candy Flavored Yogurts in smoothies and squeezable. Cotton candy is just spun sugar….so maybe this is just more sugar added to yogurt?
Apparently Cotton Candy Flavored Yogurt is a forking thing……with Wild Berry Blue flavored and possibly Trix cereal added….since it called Trix and Trix is a cereal…?
More forking Key Lime
Chocolate Covered Banana…
Forking Red Velvet Cake Yogurt……
Yogurt is now FORKING Dessert.