Sadly Two People Died This Week from Competitive Eating


Sadly Two People Died This Week from Competition Eating.

According to International Business Times via and 20 year old Caitlin Nelson college student died 4-2-17. It was three days after participating in a charity pancake eating contest. It was reported by The NY Times that Caitlin did have allergies and went into convulsions after consuming a few flap jacks. People did come to her aid but they couldn’t clear her throat.

Tragically her father was one of the many victims that perished in the 2001 9-11 attacks.

Also on 4-2-17 42 year old Travis Malouff dies at a competitive eating challenge at Voodoo Donuts white trying to eat a 8 oz. or 7 in. doughnut in 80 seconds for only a free meal and a button. ( reports the doughnut was the equivalent of 6 doughnuts and was 1/2 a pound). Unfortunately nobody in attendance knew how to do the Heimlich correctly and help wasn’t there in time according to and

Sadly Two People Died This Week From Competitive Eating.

The Forking Truth

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