Might be a Good Idea? I wonder if forking real bacon is even in the forking mix? I see artificially flavored on the package.
Guess you NEED forking artificial flavored Maple Bacon Frosting for your FORKING artificially flavored Maple Bacon Cookies!
I was hoping these would be good and picked them up. Sadly they left me disappointed. The Candy Apple M & Ms just taste like something was wrong with them. They are so bad they had to go in the trash.
A bunch of Strange flavors of Cracker Jack’D are out there and they don’t even contain a prize.
It’s like your Cracker Jack got forking Hy-Jacked.
I was going to try one until I read how calorie dense it was.
It says the bag is three servings but honestly it’s very small with not much Cracker Jack’D inside. The bag is smaller than a box of regular Cracker Jack and has a forking 450 calories and 230 of them are forking fat. I’ll leave to Cracker Jack’ds to other people. I got better things to do with 230 calories of fat.
How the Fork can a fried apple be fat free?
Now that’s FORKED up!
The Forking Truth is that there is a LOT of weird food at the Super Market.