Roman Style Pizza HITS METRO PHOENIX with Piazza Romana in Avondale AZ******UPDATE NOW CLOSED FOR BUSINESS***

******UPDATE NOW CLOSED FOR BUSINESS*****The first Roman Style Pizzeria has opened in Metro Phoenix called Piazza Romano in Avondale AZ (only 5 minutes from West Gate in Glendale). You might be wondering what is Roman Style Pizza?

Arrabiatta Slice from Piazza Romana

Roman Style Pizza starts out with studier more fermented dough to hold studier and heavier toppings. The pizza dough at Piazza Romana is made with high protein flour and is fermenting for over four days to create flavor and texture that is like no other pizza. You might imagine that the finished dough would taste sour but it doesn’t. This pizza had a nice study crisp bottom crust and also had a moist interior. It had lots of air bubbles of different sizes in the crust. The lacy dough sort of made me think of the bubble holes in Swiss Cheese.  I noticed our slices were drizzled with olive oil and most of the pizzas served came with a salted crust.

Piazza Romana is a postage sized casual restaurant. You order at the counter and sit at one of the three tables inside or at the high top table or one of the few outside tables.

Here was today’s menu.

Pizza by the slice.

Margherita, Americana (pepperoni), Arrabbiata, Picante (sopressata) and two salads Apple Cranberry and Pucola.

I started out with one slice of Margherita and my husband went for a Picante (tomato sauce, mozzarella, sopressata)

The pizza slices go in an oven to warm up some and come out in a jiffy. Then the pizza slices are served on individual paper lined tiny sheet pans and get a drizzle of olive oil.

My Margherita on the left is 1/2 crust. The crust is sturdy but not heavy and dense like a Sicilian Type Pizza. It’s crisp but light with a moist chewy interior. I can taste lots of olive oil. This crust reminds me of focaccia but with a sturdy crisp bottom. The mozzarella is a more flavorful mozzarella and the tomato sauce is thick and concentrated. A good amount of fresh basil was used and it makes the slice very tasty. The course sea salt adds interest to the thick crust.

I decide I can eat a second slice and go for the Arrabiatta because I like spicy.

This Arrabiatta is topped with tomato sauce, chunky sweet tomatoes, hot dried chilies, fresh oregano and olive oil. This Arrabiatta came out more crisp than the Margherita. The crust side is shattering crisp. My first two bites weren’t spicy but tasted very tomato-ee. On my third bite my mouth filled with some tomato juice, olive oil and hot chili. From then on I got spicy. This slice was strong with oregano.

Two slices is enough for me but my husband goes for a third slice and gets another Picante Slice. He was told that the Picante is the most popular slice (Tomato Sauce, Mozzerella, Sopressata, Olive Oil and Sea Salt) that they’ve been selling and seems to be a favorite.

If you live in Metro Phoenix AZ a trip to try Roman Style Pizza in Avondale with cost you a lot less than a $1,400.00 plane ticket to try Roman Pizza in Rome.


I would say Piazza Romana is Worth a Fork!

Worth a Fork!

Every FORKING THING is subject to change and your experience may or MAY NOT differ.

The Forking Truth

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