My FORKING Thoughts on Carrot Cake Oreo Cookies

If you regularly read my blog you know that I’m not a fan of Oreo Cookies. Even as a child I couldn’t eat Oreo Cookies. I recently received a gift box in the mail from my sister in New Jersey. In the box were peanut butter Kandy Kakes and a lemon pie by Tastykake…..and this package of Carrot Cake Oreos….I was very puzzled by the package of carrot cake Oreo Cookies. .I thanked my sister for the package and asked her why she sent me Carrot Cake Oreo Cookies. She said that she remembered that I used to like lemon pies and peanut butter Tandy Kakes. She also said that she remembered that I use to eat a lot of carrots so she thought I’d like Carrot Cake Oreo Cookies…….Well that was very nice of my sister to remember all that and to think of me by sending me this package……….well……..I have to give these carrot cake Oreos a try.

These cookies are marked artificially flavored in the right hand corner. Towards the left bottom this package reads carrot cake flavored cookie with cream cheese frosting flavor artificially flavored.

I notice that the cookies don’t contain any carrots or cream cheese. šŸ™

I open the package and take a good sniff.

It’s an odd odor. it’s a little sour, a tiny bit like graham, I’m getting more sour again,. I take a small bite…….WOW that’s weird. Yuk…before I can figure out what I’m tasting my mouth is a slimy. The cream is awful. The cream actually has a slight coconut taste. The cookie is a little bit like a graham cracker but not exactly. The cookie has chucks of salt in it. When I take another bite I can taste something citrusy…..The worst part of these cookies is the paste like cream that builds a turtle wax finish in the mouth………. They are just very unpleasant. ICK they made me burp and I had to re-live the experience.

I didn’t like them but my dogs are very intrigued by them……..?

Those were my Forking Thoughts on the carrot cake Oreo Cookies.

Your experience may differ!

The Forking Truth

2 thoughts on “My FORKING Thoughts on Carrot Cake Oreo Cookies

  1. Brian

    Your review made me laugh. These sound awful. Iā€™m also not a fan of Oreos. At least you scored with the Tastykakes.

    1. Laura A. Post author

      LOL! I have no idea how those cookies get to be America’s favorite…..I think they can actually start wars with other countries. Yes, the Tastykakes were a win….wish I waited on eating the lemon because it was different than the Tastykake lemon pies they sell in AZ….isn’t that weird?


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