Hottest Foods I Tried in Metro Phoenix AZ

Here are the hottest foods that I remember trying in Metro Phoenix in no particular order from restaurants that are still in business. (the Homer Photo is from

The Kang Pa Curry from Krua Thai in Phoenix was in the top two spiciest burning Thai Dishes I’ve ever tried. I feared for my life when I got this dish. I didn’t even request the hottest level (Thai Hot). This dish actually burned my lips and was next to impossible to eat. I never order medium when I do Thai and always order hot…not Thai Hot. Regular hot is usually good for me….but not this time.

The other hottest Thai Dish was the Holy Basil Chicken from Suh Noi – The Little Thaiger in Scottsdale.

Again I didn’t ask for Thai Hot but this one also was crazy burning HOT. This one was burning hot in a different way. It was like eating the hottest jalapeño ever.

The two hottest Hot Chicken Sandwiches I’ve tried in Metro Phoenix were-

From Monroe’s Nashville Style Hot Chicken I tried the Hottest Chicken they offer called Shut da Cluck waffle sandwich.

It’s like Thai Hot. It’s nuclear but sneaky. First bite doesn’t seem hot but it builds fast….real fast.

The other Hottest Hot Chicken Sandwich came from Famous 48 at the original location around the time when they first opened.

This sandwich was so hot I almost couldn’t eat it and they gave extra hot sauce on the side. *****UPDATE Famous 48 changed the recipe for this sandwich since I had it the first time. It’s a completely different recipe that is much more delicious…but almost mild compared to their original recipe.

You can get some super ultra delicious food from The Barrio Gran Reserva that is especially hot if the chef knows you can take spicy food. The chef showed us her big jar of Chiltepen Peppers (they are tiny and look like pink peppercorns). Chiltepin peppers are very hot but add lots of delicious flavor to foods.

This little complimentary seed starter is really REALLY FORKING HOT!

The Aguachile from the Barrio Grand Reserva is so FORKING Delicious but is also Forking Spicy HOT.

This is a slightly different Aguachile with mango that is also deliciously extra spicy. (also from the Barrio Grand Reserva)

The Diablo Hot Chipolte Molcajete from Mariscos Playa Hermosa is also mighty HOT!

It’s a molten cauldron of hot sauce lined with different proteins.

There’s HOT Chinese Food out there!

The Two hottest Chinese Dishes that I had most recently was the Fish Hot Pot from Szechuan Cuisine in Glendale.

Fish Hot Pot….(this I had before but not in a long time)

Look at all the crushed peppers on top of it. This was so spicy I went off into la la land. Next to was another hot dish called spicy chicken noodle. It was spicy too but not as spicy as the Fish Hot Pot.

The other hottest Chinese Dish was the House Special BBQ Fish from Original Cuisine in Mesa.

This was burning molten hot but also delicious. I usually hate catfish but in the right hands even catfish can be delicious!

I hope I left you Hot and Bothered for some exciting hot food!

Every FORKING THING is subject to CHANGE. Your experience may or may NOT differ.

The Forking Truth

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