Safer Curbside Pick Up Restaurants I’ve Been to in Metro Phoenix AZ

Nothing is for certain and you can never be too careful. Dine in restaurant meals mean more contact with more people and germs flying threw the air conditioned air in restaurants. There are also other diners who are probably not wearing masks to hold in their droplets that might contain the coronavirus. We’ve done take out where we’d walk into a restaurant with a small amount of risk but curbside is safer. I note that I haven’t been everywhere but here are the restaurants that offered curbside pickup that I have been too..

Fabio On Fire (N Peoria)

At Fabio On Fire you order and pay on line. They communicate with you by text and a table is sanitized and your order will be placed on the table.

CHZBURGR in Glendale offers you to call in your order but it’s 100% touch free paying.

At Kawaii Sushi and Asian Cuisine you order and pay on line. You park at a special parking spot and call to let them know that you are there and they place your order on a table in front of your car.

The Grassroots Kitchen & Tap in Scottsdale also offers curbside pick up.

You order, pay on line pull into a curbside parking spot and someone runs out and drops off your order.

Vincent Market Bistro (Phoenix) offers curb side pick up.

We ordered and payed on line and gave them our pick up time. As soon as we drove in they asked who we were and placed our order in the back seat.

Chino Bandido in North Phoenix also offers curbside pickup. I don’t remember how we paid but I do remember a worker with a mask did run the food to our car.

The Larder and the Delta in Phoenix also did a curbside pick up. We paid over the phone and our order was placed on a pick up table outside of the restaurant.

Curbside pick up is also offered at Desert Island Eatery in North Phoenix. I don’t remember how we paid but I do recall that your order was placed on a table outside of the restaurant.

Tratto in Phoenix also offered curbside pick up.

We paid there and then we picked up at a table out side of the restaurant.

Binkley’s in Phoenix no longer offers curbside pick up and has returned to being a dine in fine restaurant again but they also were very careful and did contactless curbside pick up food a few weeks..

These restaurants we went to that had the safer curbside pick up were -.

Fabio On Fire – N Peoria

CHZBURGR – Glendale

Kawaii Sushi and Asian Cuisine – N Glendale

The Grassroots Kitchen & Tap – Scottsdale

Vincent Market Bistro – PHX

Chino Bandido – N PHX

The Larder & The Delta – DT PHX

Desert Island Eatery – N PHX

Binkley’s – PHX But as of this date (5-19-20) has discontinued curbside and has gone back to dine in service.

Everything is subject to change and we hope it does for the better.

The Forking Truth

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