My Forking Thoughts on Lay’s Spicy Roasted Seaweed Potato Chips from Taiwan

It’s kind of fun to try different flavors of potato chips. A few are really great. Some are beyond terrible and most fall in-between. I really enjoyed the regular Lay’s Seaweed Chips from Taiwan so I thought the Spicy Roasted Seaweed Chips could be another winner.

The bag is small and only weighs around one and a half ounces.

Here’s the back of the bag.

Here are the ingredients.

There are many ingredients and these chips also are made with milk and fish.

I open the bag and take a whiff.

These chips smell strange. Kind of like something fried like pastry and tea…..

Now I am afraid to taste them……

I go and do the duty not expecting much.


They don’t taste as bad as they smell.

I eat a chip the way I’d normally eat a chip.

They are small chips with a powdery surface. They have a pleasant crunch to them. A slight sweetness, but more salty than sweet and more than anything they have a medium heat to them that builds a little. You do taste seaweed but it isn’t the dominate flavors.

I try to eat a chip very slow to taste it differently.

YUK…..can taste the fish this way and something that taste like burnt tea….

WOW they aren’t horrible if you just eat them but they aren’t great either.

They aren’t even as close to as good as the regular Lay’s Seaweed flavor is.

Not the best….but not the worst either

Don’t eat slow. You need to munch them down to skip over some of the flavors.

Not the best flavor………….Edible if you just munch.

Try the regular Seaweed Flavor instead.

Your experience and opinion may indeed differ.

The Forking Truth

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