For me sushi must be fresh and sweet tasting. The rice must be seasoned and also should be prepared to the correct texture. I also expect wasabi to be used to season under the fish and a fresh grated or a genuine wasabi sauce to be served with the sushi.
Tokyo Lobby isn’t he most upscale sushi house and is actually sort of smaller and not a fancy sushi house that offers mostly basic sushi, some trendy rolls and enormous, budget priced, gut busting bento boxes and a few other items.
In the metro phoenix area that I live in Tokyo Lobby’s the only near-by local sushi that I found that offers the freshest and cleanest tasting sushi. I’ve tried several others and actually was forking grossed out by two other local places recently and now REALLY understand why many people won’t eat sushi.
I did strongly favor another local sushi place that recently changed ownership. They served clean fresh tasting sushi along with those extra special recipes that I couldn’t find at any near-by place. That place was very special and really was upscale in food preparation and had friendly warm service.
After trying …….. mediocre local sushi from a few places………I am happy to just to frequent Tokyo Lobby for fresh clean tasty sushi.