Dining In & Out With DOGS in Las Vegas NV January 2025

Dining Out With DOGS is just a “Fluff” story about taking my dogs out to eat. It all sort of started with my late dog Louie. He always enjoyed going out to eat. When he got elderly he came down with aggressive cancer. We were told that he only had about 3 months and possibly up to 6 months to live. I took Louie out to eat as often as I could and Louie made it another 17 months. Today I take my current dogs out when the weather is right and when I can.

We went to the Great Greek Mediterranean Grill.

We shared two salad rice bowls (one was gyro and salmon)

We did A-OK at The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill.

The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill

6540 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV


www.The Great Greek.com

The next week it was cold for Las Vegas about 55 and so windy that it was too cold to dine out with dogs so the dogs got a car ride and we picked up a Margherita Pizza from Old School Pizzeria.

Old School Pizzeria

2040 Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV



The next week it was 52 and extra windy so it was too cold to dine out with dogs so they got an In-N-Out double Cheeseburger.

In-N-Out Burger

I was expecting a warm up but it was darn cold again for Las Vegas so it was In-N-Out Burger again. It was too cold to sit out a while so we fed them kinda quick on the patio.

The dogs enjoyed the car ride. They also enjoyed looking in the window watching production.

But they enjoyed eating more.

In-N-Out Burger

Well that was Dining In and Out with Dogs for January 2025. We hope that you’ve enjoyed and we hope to see you next month!

The Forking Truth
In Memory of Louie 5-5-2001 – 3-3-2017

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