Chorizo and Beet Stuffed Peppers. with Cantaloupe Ketchup and Black Garlic Emulsion Recipe

I made some Mexican Style turkey chorizo (recipe not published as of yet) I read that someone else (chef Paul Welburn) combined chorizo with beets (honestly I don’t think that I would have ever thought about combining chorizo with beets) and fried them up into egg rolls. He served the egg rolls with raspberry ketchup and black garlic emulsion. I didn’t follow any of his recipes even though they are probably delicious. I also wanted to put a healthier spin on them. I didn’t follow his recipes but I was inspired by them. My recipe only makes around 4 small servings that are an appetizer or small side. I was very surprised on how delicious that it turned out. My husband also had his doubts and was also very surprised.

Ingredients for around 4 small servings

9 smaller peppers to stuff (I used baby bell peppers… might need more or use less peppers depending on their size) – (You slit pepper in a “T” shape across the top of the core and down the middle. Remove core)

8oz peeled beet – cut in half or quarters depending on size.

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

3oz chorizo – crumbled

1 egg – lightly beaten

8 oz cantaloupe – cut into chunks

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

pinch sea salt

pinch ground white pepper

2 oz black garlic (already peeled)

1 Tablespoon dijon mustard (I used Amora Brand)

1 1/2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 Tablespoon canola oil

1 Tablespoon or more water to thin down…(I used one tablespoon but think I can thin down a little more)


Set your oven to 400 degrees F.

Put your beets in a covered dish with the sugar, water, apple cider vinegar and salt. The beets need to cook till tender. (usually around an hour plus fifteen minutes could be more or less) Then the beets need to cool and when you can handle them you shred them.

While the beets are cooking roast up the peppers. Leave them in the oven till they start to brown. (I forgot to time this…..think it was around 20-25 minutes)

Make the cantaloupe ketchup.

The sugar, apple cider vinegar, melon, salt, white pepper all get blended together. You need to reduce this mixture in a pan on medium high heat. Reduce mixture around by half. Then take off heat and set to the side.

Black garlic emulsion is really easy and quick to make. It will be easier with a stick blender. Just blend together the black garlic, dijon, balsamic, oil, and at least one tablespoon of water. Thin down to taste.

By now the beets are cool and should be shredded and the peppers should be cool enough to stuff.

Turn your oven on to 350 degrees F.

In a small bowl mix up the shredded beets with the egg and crumbled chorizo. Squeeze the mixture into a tight ball and stuff the peppers as best as you can.

These only need 15 minutes on your middle rack.

Serve with the cantaloupe ketchup and the black garlic emulsion.

Chorizo and Beet stuffed Peppers with Cantaloupe Ketchup and Black Garlic Emulsion

THESE are FORKING AMAZING! Beets go so darn well with the flavors of chorizo. I especially like the cantaloupe ketchup on them and the black garlic goes well here too.

The Forking Truth

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