Food Shopping in North Las Vegas is More Difficult than what I’m Used To

My local Smith’s seems very understaffed. In the mornings when I like to shop they don’t have customer service or cashiers on. Later in the day they have one cashier that doesn’t bag for you and the line is always a mile long……………So you usually have to do your self check out anyway. I dread ringing in my order myself. The computer there at Smith’s can drive you nuts.

You can ring in organic scallions that cost more but if you have regular scallions the computer reads, “no items found.” So you have another choice and find the scallions by the picture and it might work that way. I found out that other items in the store you are on the, “type item ring in way” and others are on, “the look up picture way.”

Besides the irritation of ringing things in there are other irritating things about Smith’s.

You can’t buy toothpaste and other things before 9am.

On the bright side the fish is much better here than it was in Arizona. Here the fresh fish actually taste fresh and not old and fishy. Also the eggs have a nicer color yolk.

But they do sell some weird things in Las Vegas. I think the pistachio salad looks very unappetizing. It might make you poop in a neon turquoise color.

They also sell the weirdest celery I’ve ever seen.

We also have an Alberson’s near by. That store is a pain too. I miss the old days when I just pulled out my shoppers card to get the sale prices. Those were the old days. Here at Albertson’s you have to shop with a cell phone and have the Alberson’s app. You have to swipe each item on sale to get the sale price.

I’m also disappointed with the Whole Foods and Smart and Final here. Both stores are smaller and both don’t sell the specialty items that I’m looking for.

Even shopping at the 99Cent store is more difficult. At the 99Cent Store they don’t let you take the shopping cart out of the store. So if you have a few heavy bags you are screwed.

Food Shopping in North Las Vegas is more difficult than what I’m used to.

The Forking Truth

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