Recipe Idea – Potato Water Breads

I recently made these cute stuffed potato mini potatoes. (The mini roasted potatoes got hallowed out and filled with Duchess Potatoes (Recipe is on my site)

The water that I boiled the potatoes got really thick and starchy so I saved it for making bread.

I winged making the bread but instead of water I used my starchy and kinda thick potato water instead of plain water.

I made one bread braided like a challah. (I do have a Challah recipe on my site that you can use if you care to)

It’s very tasty…….A little different than challah with less egg. I also used Italian Chestnut honey in it and it gives the bread another flavor.

With the other half of dough I made these vegetable and cheese breads in a cup cake pan.

roll out dough and top with fontina cheese

Topped the cheese with vegetables

Cut the dough in half long ways and rolled up like little jelly rolls in the cup cake pan and baked

They came out good too!

The next time you boil a bunch of potatoes you should save your potato water and make some yummy breads!

The Forking Truth

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