La Cantine Sandwich Shop – Las Vegas NV – Worth a Fork!

La Cantine Sandwich Shop is located in the North/West part of Las Vegas Nevada. They offer a variety of sandwiches made on house baked breads. They also offer salads, quiches, salads, sides, and French Style macarons.

It’s a small place. I noticed most customers I saw did take out.

They offer a pastrami reuben and also a wagyu pastrami on rye….The wagyu pastrami cost $8. more than the pastrami reuben so I thought it would be better so I went with that.

The seedless rye doesn’t really taste like rye bread that I am familiar with but the pastrami is FORKING AMAZING! In fact it taste just like my pastrami…….(I wonder if they used my recipe?) There’s kraut, there’s dressing, There’s melty Swiss that I pulled out and ate first….Then I ate the sandwich. This sandwich is very messy but really delicious. The pastrami was hand cut. It’s tender. It’s smoky but not too smoky. It has some fat to it but not too much fat. But most importantly IT FORKING TASTE LIKE PASTRAMI.

My husband had a ham and cheese baguette.

He said that the ham is unusually great ham that you just don’t get anywhere. This sandwich also had brie cheese, pickles, herb butter, and garlic confit. This was a really great sandwich.

We tried macarons for a sweet ending.

First one was an Earl Grey.

Ummm it’s very good and really different.

Next is strawberry.

UMMMMMM!!!!! This one is really such a treat…..It has flavors of a really rich cake but with pops of strawberry…Kinda like a strawberry short cake with cream.

These are really great macarons!

La Cantine Sandwich Shop is Worth a Fork!

Worth a Fork!

La Cantine Sandwich Shop

3250 Tenya Way Las Vegas NV


I haven’t found a website for La Cantine Sandwich Shop.

They are on Facebook but are not active there.

Every THING is subject to change.

The Forking Truth

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