More New, Forking WEIRD and Different Cereal out There


I guess they saved all the forking flakes that stuck together and are now forking selling them as forking energy clusters.


It looks like forking Chex done the same forking thing.


Honey Kix. I would like to see some kicking action on the box. Something like a forking donkey named Honey kicking her owner because she has so much forking energy because this box has a boring design.


Cinnamon Chocolate Toast Crunch sounds like it might taste good if your in the mood for a forking sugar rush. But this box needs another forking design because the brown trail behind the anthropomorphic cereal square looks like a forking smelly trail of fart. Makes me think I better not buy this cereal for anyone in my forking house.


This one forking frightens me.

Those Franken Berry, Boo Berry and Count Chocula have been around since I was a kid and used to look like this…..


I forking don’t remember Fruit Brute. But here is how these cereals look today.

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They look forking different now!


Looks like the Forking Leprechaun got forking replaced by YODA!

Hey….Found the Leprechaun!


Lucky Charms in New ASSHat Chocolate and Regular Asshat in FORKING HAT SHAPES and all new one shape charms because one shape is cheaper to make than all the fun marshmallow charms.

Maybe the weirdest cereal I came across was from Trader Joe’s….


Pumpkin O’s…I sure didn’t see this coming….


Pumpkin Puffins….I forking didn’t see this coming either.


Forking Pumpkin SPICE Mini Wheats…I never forking thought I’d see that!


Forking Power O’s made with BEANS. Who the fork wants beans for breakfast. What kind of forking day will you have when you start it with beans?


Power O’s with Beans and Chocolate to produce something forking powerful. I saw this cereal in another flavor or TOOT! Forking beans in your cereal……toot…toot!

I just don’t know what I’ll forking see or say next but there is a lot of new, weird or different cereal out there!

The Forking Truth

The Forking Truth

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