Red Chinese Noodle Beans are Worth a Fork!

Red Chinese Noodle Beans

Red Chinese Noodle Beans

I’ve never seen or heard of these type of beans before and purchased them at a farmer’s market recently. I washed them really well and trimmed off the ends and was a little forking afraid of the beans because they felt very tough and I didn’t think I’d be able to make them edible.

So I gently boiled them in vegetable broth until the beans were fork tender. (didn’t time it but it seemed like over five minutes. I drained the beans and noticed they lost most of the red color.  (Not sure but baking soda might have saved some of the color and might have tenderized the beans during the cooking process) Then I threw them back into the pot and hit them with a dap of butter tossed the beans around a little and added fresh ground sea salt and some fresh ground black pepper.

The beans had a very different taste than other green beans I’ve had before.

They were almost nutty and I liked the texture and taste of them.

I also think they’d pair really well with noodles.

After cooking Red Chinese Noodle Beans

After cooking Red Chinese Noodle Beans

Red Chinese Noodle Beans are Worth a Fork! Give them a try when you see them.

 The Forking Truth

The Forking Truth

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