My Copy Cat Recipes Inspired by Metro Phoenix Restaurants

Spaghetti Squash with Harissa Vinaigrette inspired from FnB Restaurant of Scottsdale AZ

Spaghetti Squash with Harissa Vinaigrette inspired from FnB Restaurant of Scottsdale AZ

When you go out to eat hopefully the food will be good enough to inspire you to cook up something similar. These are all recipes that I posted on A few of my inspirations came from the wonderful inspiring FnB Restaurant of Scottsdale AZ. When I tasted their dish of Spaghetti Squash with Harissa and Feta I knew I had to sort of copy it. I didn’t use feta cheese but did come up with a Harissa recipe that’s insanely delicious with spaghetti squash.

Twice Cooked Gilfeather Rutabaga

Twice Cooked Gilfeather Rutabaga

Another FnB inspired dish is the Twice cooked Gilfeather Rutabaga. My topping taste similar but is much lighter in fat than the wonderful creme fraiche and ginger that FnB served. Instead I used a combination of Fat Free Greek Yogurt thickened with a little whipped cream cheese and seasoned with fresh grated ginger, scallions and hit with salt and pepper. It’s pretty simple but I never would have thought up this one on my own but I did enjoy adding the crisp lotus root chip.

Flat Bread with Blue Cheese Butter and Pistou Inspired from Eddie's house of Scottsdale AZ

Flat Bread with Blue Cheese Butter and Pistou Inspired from Eddie’s house of Scottsdale AZ

Eddie’s House of Scottsdale AZ starts you off with a complimentary basket of bread that includes flatbreads with blue cheese butter topped with pistou. It’s just scrumptious and I had to try my spin on it.

Red Lentils with Rainbow Chard, Dates and Almonds inspired from Deseo Latin Kitchen of Scottsdale AZ

Red Lentils with Rainbow Chard, Dates and Almonds inspired from Deseo Latin Kitchen of Scottsdale AZ

All the food from Deseo Latin Kitchen of Scottsdale was truly Amazing but the side dish of Red Lentils was very memorable so much that I did my spin on that one too. The original had a vegetable soup kind of taste with tomatoes, greens, dates, almonds and some sort of Latin Cheese. It was delicious and easy to replicate something sort of similar.

Indian Inspired Green Beans and Chickpeas

Indian Inspired Green Beans and Chickpeas inspired from Mayuri Palace of Phoenix AZ

At Mayuri Palace of Phoenix AZ I tasted the very best Okra I ever had. I didn’t fry up Okra for this dish but I thought a similar dish with green beans and chickpeas would be delicious!

Cilantro Lime Chicken Meatloaf inspired from Scottsdale Beer Company of Scottsdale AZ

Cilantro Lime Chicken Meatloaf inspired from Scottsdale Beer Company of Scottsdale AZ

I had this super delicious Cilantro Lime Chicken Sandwich with Jalapeño Jam and Avocado Aioli at Scottsdale Beer Company and it inspired me to put the same flavors into a chicken meatloaf.

Pickled Beet Israeli Couscous and Harissa Vinagrete

Pickled Beet Israeli Couscous and Harissa Vinaigrette inspired from Atlas Bistro of Scottsdale AZ

Atlas Bistro of Scottsdale AZ is one of Scottsdale’s offers some of the most interesting cuisine you can find in Scottsdale. The Couscous they served me on my plate there was so darn memorable I recreated my version of it nearly a year later.

Melon Salad with Preserved Lemon, Lavender and Whipped Cream Cheese

Melon Salad with Preserved Lemon, Lavender and Whipped Cream Cheese Inspired by the Vic Bar and Grill of Buckeye AZ

At the Vic Bar and Grill of Buckeye AZ I tasted a good quality ripe Melon with baby mint and preserved lemon with goat cheese. Here is my spin on that one.

Brazilian Inspired Potato Salad

Brazilian Inspired Potato Salad  Inspired from Carvalho’s Brazilian Kitchen of Scottsdale AZ

One of the most delicious Potato Salads I tried was served with my Steak at Carvalho’s Brazilian Kitchen in Scottsdale AZ. The potato salad was unlike any I had before. It was almost like mashed potatoes and chunks of potatoes. The salad had a bunch of soft carrots in it that lightened it up. I liked the pop of olives in it and as a nod to Brazilian style food I added palm to the salad that added another flavor and texture. It really came out Forking delicious.

These were my Metro Phoenix Copy Cat Recipes I came up with and I hope to come up with more inspirations soon.

 The Forking Truth

The Forking Truth


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