No Mayo Avocado Mustard Deviled Eggs Recipe


No Mayo Avocado Mustard Deviled Eggs

This recipe is MAYONNAISE FREE. You make fresh mustard with avocado and then simply mash in your egg yolks. You do need a spice grinder to prepare the avocado mustard. For best results prepare the Avocado Mustard the day before. This recipe makes 3-4 times more mustard than you need. Use the extra mustard to spread on sandwiches.

Ingredients for about 6 servings

4 Tablespoons dark mustard seeds

2 Tablespoons yellow mustard seeds

1 allspice berry

6 juniper berries

1/4 cup sherry

1/3 cup sherry vinegar

2 Tablespoons fresh garlic cloves – ground to paste (2 Tablespoons of garlic paste…this is lots of garlic)

1/4 teaspoon turmeric

sea salt to taste (about 10 turns from a Costco disposable)

tellicherry black pepper to taste (about 15 turns from a Costco disposable)

1 cup of whipped avocado

8 large eggs – boiled – peeled – cut either traditional (across long ways) or threw the middle with yolks removed in a small bowl (2 egg white you won’t use just snack on them or toss them in a salad for lunch….if you like over stuffed eggs you need 10 or more eggs for 6 servings)

1/4 cup avocado mustard

splash cayenne hot sauce – preferably Franks Red Hot

splash Worcestershire sauce

optional up to a 1 Tablespoon water or 1 Tablespoon (mayonnaise I won’t tell) if you think it looks dry***I do note that it gets slightly moister as it sits

fresh ground sea salt to lightly season egg whites

fresh ground black pepper to lightly season egg whites

2 pinches of Piment d’ Espelette to lightly season egg white or just use your favorite kind of paprika, any red fruity dried pepper or for extra spicy cayenne

about three inner celery leaves – well chopped


You need to grind up the mustard seeds, allspice and juniper berries. Add the spices to a medium mixing bowl. To the bowl add sherry, vinegar, garlic, turmeric, avocado and one Tablespoon water and mix well. Add fresh ground salt and pepper to taste. Wrap and refrigerate over night.

Spicy Avocado Mustard

To the small bowl of egg yolks add 1/4 cup of Spicy avocado mustard, splash hot sauce and a splash of Worcestershire. Mix well. If it looks too tight add up to a Tablespoon of water…..but I note mixture will turn more moist as it sits. Be careful about that because you don’t want runny eggs either.  If don’t need it to be mayonnaise free you can add a Tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Lightly season both sides of egg whites.

Either spoon in filling or use a pastry bag.

Insert pastry tip. Fold over ends of bag and fill.

Twist to hold in filling. Apply pressure and apply in a circular motion. Some celery leaves as a garnish is perfect for these eggs.

Avocado Mustard Deviled Eggs

Tasty and different.

The Forking Truth


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