Be a Good Guest and Not a Forking Turkey at Thanksgiving

Be a good guest and not a Forking Turkey at Thanksgiving.

It seems like some people have been raised by wolves and don’t know how to act like normal people at Thanksgiving. Here are are few things that some people might need to know.

Be a normal responsible person. If you Forking get sick or come down with a bug PLEASE be considerate and STAY THE FORK HOME. You might not give a dam if you make other people sick but nobody wants your germs……IT’S A FACT that you will make people sick….your germs aren’t special no matter what you think! Only a Forking Turkey would come to someone else’s home sick and make other people sick that are feeding you a feast.

Only a Turkey would let their children walk into someone else’e home like a zombie and not make any eye contact. Children should acknowledge the host just by slight eye contact and a smile. That is all that’s necessary.

Don’t be a Forking Turkey and start tampering with the washer and dryer that belong to your host and setting the alarms. Only an idiot would do this because when the host uses the washer in a dryer next they will know you did it.

When you see the offerings if there is something you don’t want to try keep it to yourself. Don’t be a Turkey and scream something like, “I HATE PROFITEROLES!” Did you know……only a Forking Turkey does that?

Did you know that you are a Forking Turkey when you bring some sort of food or drink to someone’s home that you already tasted that is trash to you. Why the heck would your host want your food or drink trash? Only someone with a screw loose would do such a thing.

If you make a mess or break something in someone else’s home you should tell the host. If you don’t you FORKING ARE A TURKEY. That is very rude.

Only a FORKING TURKEY would say something like that was a really great Thanksgiving dinner….Maybe the best I ever had…and I don’t know how to rate things but…., “I rate the Thanksgiving dinner at two stars.” Only a really BIG FORKING TURKEY does such a thing.

Don’t act like you are trying to be helpful and offer to clear the serving ware by throwing them in the trash………Only a Nut-Job Turkey would do such a thing.

Be a Good Guest and Not a Forking Turkey on Thanksgiving!

We hope the only Turkey at your Thanksgiving table is the one you eat.

Have a Forking Happy and Delicious Thanksgiving!

The Forking Truth


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