Dog Haus made the Forking BEST Impossible Burger of the FIVE I’ve Tried (so far)

I’m not a vegan or vegetarian but I am selective about the ground beef that I eat. I like that there are no ground beef worries with the impossible burger. The impossible burger (at this time) is the only vegan burger that contains an ingredient called heme that comes from soy roots that makes the patty taste meat like. It is also suppose to make the patty bleed but I have never gotten an impossible burger that bleeds so far but when and IF I ever do I’ll be jumping for joy and you will hear about it.

The first Impossible Burger I tried came from The Cuff in Glendale AZ.

It’s wasn’t bad but it was a little dry and crumbly. It left a sort of butter like aftertaste that I didn’t like. My husband took a bite and said, “I’m never trying an Impossible Burger again.”

He didn’t try my next one from PNPK in Scottsdale (now closed for business).

This one was slightly better. Still dry but not crumbly. No weird buttery aftertaste.

My 3rd one came from Orlando Florida at Disney’s Food and Wine Expo at Epcot.

Impossible Burger is on the right

This Impossible Burger was also dry but was covered in delicious wasabi cream and Asian style slaw.

My fourth Impossible Burger came from Burger King.

This is the first Impossible Burger that wasn’t dry but it is odd. It has a soggy mushy center. The exterior is almost like a shell. This one doesn’t have much flavor. The ketchup and pickle are very over powering to this almost tasteless burger.

The FORKING BEST IMPOSSIBLE BURGER I’ve tasted so far (as of January 2020) was The Impossible Burger from Dog Haus in Scottsdale AZ.

They did have their regular Impossible Burger on the menu and an Impossible slider but I went for the special of the month Impossible Burger. I’m not taking about the toppings here (But the did happen to be delicious). I’m really just talking about the burger. It was nicely caramelized but thin burger. It was the only Impossible burger that was actually juicy like a real burger. This one my husband tried and he also said that it was very good. This Impossible burger actually stood up to the very flavorful SPICY HOT toppings. This one was the December/January Special by Chef Ilan Hall. It was all Vegan and was adorned with chili oil, pickled vegetables, fresh jalapeño and cilantro, hoisin sauce, spicy vegan mayo on a ciabatta bun. It was FORKING HOT and FORKING SPICY but delicious and even with all that heat and spice the Impossible burger still did taste good.

Dog Haus made the FORKING BEST Impossible Burger that I tried so far. (as of January 2020…subject to change)

I just got this in an email that on February the 2nd is potato tot day and Dog Haus is dining away FREE potato tots when you order a sandwich. Thought you might want to know if you are thinking about trying the Impossible burger from Dog Haus.

Every Forking thing is subject to change and your experience may or may NOT differ.

The Forking Truth

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