Make your Deviled Eggs Rosy

I discovered that it looks prettier to make deviled eggs into roses. It’s not very hard to do but might require a bit of practicing. The eggs come out delicious but you need a smooth filling or the rose tip will clog. Make any smooth recipe for deviled eggs. I usually just do a basic deviled eggs with Amora brand dijon and dust them with French red pepper. I suggest to season the egg white slightly too with a little bit of crushed sea salt and whatever pepper or paprika you like. Below is a cream cheese rose but the method is the same for just about any kind of rose you want to make.

First you need a rose tip.

Both tips are for roses but I used the bigger #104 Wilton Brand Tip

Then you insert tip (with out without a coupler) and fold down pastry bag and stuff.

Twist bag and push down filling to hold in filling and twist again. The shorter end of tip is away from you when you decorate.

Then you make a little mountain or Hershey Kiss size drop on a rose nail.

needed to use apple so I’d have a hand food my cell phone.

Then you squeeze out a little filling around the pointy tip and move the rose nail while you are squirting the little mountain.

Slightly below the tip make around three petals around the tip…

Then make at least five petals around the three but slightly lower.

Then a little lower make around seven petals. Scoop the flower off with a small spatula or butter knife.

That’s how you make a rose. Happy Decorating!

Deviled Eggs
The Forking Truth

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