Weird Forking Drinking and Eating Masks Out There For The CoronaVirus Pandemic

We are in a serious health crisis and it is advisable and also the law depending on your location to wear masks when you are in a public space. Scientist have proved that much of the virus can stop spreading if we all wear masks. This mandate upsets some people but wearing a mask is the right thing to do. People who don’t wear masks are selfish and can unknowingly be carriers of the virus. They can unintentionally infect others. I was looking at masks for sale on eBay and I noticed that many people now are selling eating and drinking masks.

I don’t think any of these mask can possibly be effective because they all have openings in them.

For a mask to be effective it is suppose to be tight but breathable. It’s suppose to have layers. I’m not a scientist so I Don’t know if this is true but I read that not all but some masks actually provide partial protection against the virus. The bad news is that you can still the catch the virus wearing a better mask that offers partial protection. (kn95, mask with hepa filter are considered better masks. Best masks are reserved for health care workers) The good news is that chances are that you won’t catch as much of the virus with a better well fitting mask. That can make a difference that is more valuable than any amount of money.

If your FORKING Mask has a hole or slit in it you are spreading germs and more germs can spread to you.

#Don’t Kill Grandma Wear a sensible Mask

There is a bunch of Forking Weird Eating and Drinking Masks Out There for sale during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Every FORKING THING is subject to change and we hope IT DOES CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!

The Forking Truth

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