Dining Out (& IN) With DOGS in Las Vegas June 2024

Dining out with dogs is just a “FLUFF” story about taking my dogs out to eat. It all sort of started with my late dog Louie. You know Louie always enjoyed going out to eat. When he got elderly he came down with aggressive cancer. We were told that he probably only had 3 months to live…..but maybe up to 6 months………I took Louie out to eat as often as possible since going out to eat was his greatest enjoyment. Instead of the 3-6 months Louie made it another 17 months. Today I take my current dogs out to eat when the weather is right and when I can.

Just so you know I am usually a week or so behind with Dining Out with Dogs…..June pretty much began too hot to dine out with dogs so the dining out was actually in May and “In doors”when it was too hot.

We got to go to Hawaiian Barbecue #1 in North Las Vegas. In case you don’t know Hawaiian BBQ is usually big styrofoam containers stuffed with lots of protein and usually rice. This place doesn’t have their own patio but do share a community patio only 2 doors down. My husband (and dogs) tried the Chicken Stir Fry Saimin (Asian flavored stir fry with noodles).

And I (and dogs) had the garlic Mahi Healthier Plate (Maui Fish, salad, brown rice, and hard egg). (with garlic scraped off for dogs) They also had some of the egg.

We all enjoyed Hawaiian Barbecue # 1

5870 N Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV



We happened to have a nice day where we could sit in shade in 85 degree weather so we went to Those Guys Pies in North Las Vegas. They specialize in cheesesteaks and pizzas. If this place sound familiar to you then you might have caught them on Food Network’s Diners Drive Ins and Dives.

We started out by buying the dogs craft chicken dog biscuits from the dog biscuit vending machine that they have inside.

They also got to eat grilled chicken from my Lakeside Salad.

And Cheese Steak from my husband’s cheesesteak.

We always enjoy going to Those Guys Pies

5585 Simmons St North Las Vegas NV



Suddenly it got very hot in Las Vegas but near the beginning of the month we had a windy-not-too-sunny day with shade so we were able to quickly enjoy some cheeseburger from In-N-Out.

They always enjoy an In-N-Out Cheeseburger.

Today it was too hot outside to dine out with dogs. So we took the dogs threw the In-N-Out Drive Thru and brought a burger home for them.

The Dogs always enjoy a Cheeseburger from In-N-Out.

Well That was Dining Out (and In) With DOGS for June 2024. We are hoping for a Monsoon to cool things here so we can Dine Out again soon! We hope to see you next month.

The Forking Truth
In Memory of Louie 5-5-2001 – 3-3-2017

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