There is already a big Reign of Pumpkin Spice Horror out there. This my friends is only the Forking Beginning and I am certain that there is forking more to come.
Pumpkin Harvest Crisp Greek Yogurt? Forking Pumpkin CRISP yogurt? WTFork is the crisp? Pumpkin seeds? Crickets that forking hopped into the Chobani Plant?
Pumpkin spice pancakes sounds like they might be good but maple syrup wouldn’t be the best syrup choice so you’d have to forking buy or make something better.
Not everything taste good on pumpkin bread. Tuna fish or salami would be forking awful.
Pumpkin Cheesecake cookies…Ummm..I’d forking try them if somebody offered.
Perfectly Pumpkin cake mix must be the forking Mary Poppins of forking cake mix. (ever see Mary Poppins? Practically Perfect in every forking WAY Mary Poppins)
Candy corn are hated by most people but making them pumpkin spiced brings them down to another forking level of horror.
Candy corn in another forking brand of forking Pumpkin Spice.
Forking Pumpkin spice Hershey Kisses of Death.
Coffee Mate Pumpkin Spice? Why don’t you just stick a forking piece of pie in your forking coffee?
I don’t wimper for Pumpkin Bark.
Pumpkin Spice Coffee (cough-eee)
Chai Pumpkin Spice
Pumpkin Spice Popcorn Crunch
Just when you thought only food would be pumpkin flavored…….you see forking Pumpkin spiced gum.
Pumpkin Spiced Whipped Peanut Butter. I wonder what forking flavor jelly do they sell to go with that? Pumpkin spiced peanut butter would taste lousy on rye bread.
Even forking Peeps are pumpkin spice flavored and new for 2015.
Just when I thought I forking saw all I was going to see…
I was
Forking WRONG
Some sort of pumpkin puree to squirt on your dogs food…(LOL)
This dog might eat it.
This dog would say WHAT THE FORK!
2015 Reign of PUMPKIN SPICE HORROR Part One