Forking New Weird Different and Special Edition Cereal Out There March 2016



Every time I go to the stores I always see some new different or weird cereals. I never know what I will see. Here are some of the cereals I came across.

Minions cereal…..Why the Fork would I want to eat a Minion?…..Apparently Minions are forking banana berry flavored in this box anyway.


Peanut Butter Multi Grain Cheerios is new to me. I wonder why the Cheerios are different colors? Isn’t peanut Butter one color?


Some kind of Frozen Cereal that isn’t forking frozen.


Shredded Wheat with forking lumps of granola in it.


Dora Explorer Cereal? WTFork is that?  Little girls floating in your cereal bowl? That’s horrible. We have too many no-gooders out there doing harm to people. This could be the start to   dastardly doings to the wrong minds. I could envision a gangster eating a bowl of cereal like this.

Lots of Cereal out there has gone Star Wars Style.


Reese’s Puffs and Cookie Crisp


Star Wars Cinnamon Toast Crunch


Forked up Fruit Loops called Bloopers.

When the loop accidentally gets over-filled it’s no longer a loop it is a blooper.


Caramel Crunch Superman Inspired Cereal.


Batman Chocolate Strawberry Cereal sounds almost cool. Somehow I can’t imagine Batman doing Forking Chocolate Strawberry Cereal. The cereal people got that one wrong. Sorry but Batman has to be something far cooler like menthol mint or hotter like “Smoking Jalapeño” cereal. Now that smoking jalapeño might be Batman….NOT forking chocolate strawberry.


Crunchy Flax….Never heard of that one but it sounds forking healthy and it’s gluten free!

Looks like rabbit food with all them little kibbles or pellets.


This one must be a leftover from Halloween. The box is kind of frightening to look at and the cereal looks horrid to me with orange coloring and loose brown filling.

Look at the sign on the left side of the box. Without my forking glasses on it looks like the sign reads orange color chocolate COCKROACHES!

These were some of the New, Weird or Special Edition Cereals I forking saw out there. I never  know what I will see when I hit the stores. I don’t forking know WTFork I’ll see next!

 The Forking Truth

The Forking Truth


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