Your Food will Taste Forking Better if you just Get Rid of Your Regular Table Salt


There is a whole world of salt out there. Why the FORK would you even think of using harsh, metallic, heavily processed table salt when you can use natural mineral rich salt that taste better and actually taste less salty. When you use table salt your food doesn’t taste as good. Better tasting salt helps your food to taste better.

The work horse of the kitchen is kosher salt. It’s less harsh and better tasting than table salt. it works wonders with meat.

The Grey Sea Salt has the most taste. Not sure how to describe it and it’s a sort of briny taste but it doesn’t seem like too much salt. Maybe it’s a balance thing?

The Pink Himalayan salt is suppose to be among the healthier salts with more minerals than most other salts. To me this one taste like kosher salt but that might be because of the grind I have. Maybe it’s normally smoother than what I have.

I like the Australian peach colored flake salt. It’s mild and delicate with an interesting texture. You don’t cook with this salt as it is a finishing salt.

Mediterranean Sea Salt is better tasting than regular kosher salt. Less salty, smoother.

The Salt in the middle of the plate is Red Sea Salt. One web site claims that this salt is number one for mineral content. There is something smooth and delicious about it. It’s almost sweet. I’d sprinkle on desserts. It taste like it would go really well with dessert if you want a little smooth salty crunch.

Lastly the most interesting of the salts is the Blue Persian Salt. It was hard to photo but here is a close up.


Here is another Photo.


It looks like blue in the salt but I read that it is an optical illusion. It’s the only salt I ever tasted that has a cooling sweet finish. It’s also far more expensive than all the other salts. I purchased a small amount just to try it out. It cost about $5.00 for about 3 ounces. I’m thinking this might be very good to rim an alcoholic drink with because of the unique complexity and smoothness.

You opinion may differ from mine but that is the Forking Truth From Me.

Your Food will taste Forking Better if you just get rid of your Forking Table Salt because there is a whole world of salt out there and ALL OF THEM ARE FORKING better than table salt.

 The Forking Truth

The Forking Truth

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