Making an icing rose is easy but it might take a whole night of practice before you get it down. You also need to know that your ornamental icing must be very thick with lots of sugar or it will be too soft for decorating and will fail.
So pick up a decorating kit and give it a try if you care too.
First you get a pastry bag …with a Rose Tip.
I used a 104 Wilton Tip…..I prefer the disposable pastry bags…because the reusable pastry bags are hard to clean and will always split on you when you least expect it….so you will have to replace them after a few times anyway.
You snip the end of the bag for your tip to fit in (or add a coupler to use with multiple tips)….and curl down the ends so they stay clean.
Insert frosting and twist the end so frosting doesn’t fall out.
Get a Frosting and apply pressure to the frosting bag and make a blob of frosting on the nail.
Now go slightly above the blob and spin the nail in your hand while squirting out the frosting around the frosting blob and make it look like a rose bud center.
Start a little lower and squirt out three petals around the bud center.
Start near the middle and make around five petals.
Then near the bottom make about seven petals.
Remove the flower with a small spatula or butter knife or a scissors by cutting into the rose bottom and releasing on the cake.
If this sound like too much trouble no fear…….
Russian Decorator Tips are budget priced and easy to use. I think I was searching on eBay for the style tips I used when I worked in a bakery that I liked better than what I have and accidentally came across Russian Decorator Tips. I thought they were interesting and including shipping they were around $5.00 so I thought I’d give them a try. They look so unusual to me. I’ve never seen tips like these before.
I think most of the tips look like drop tips. Most of the tips look like how you make press cookies.
I used the above tip to make the drop flower. I didn’t notice numbers on the tips so it seems you have to recognize the design of the tip to know what you want. I just applied a small amount of pressure and wah-la my flower was done.
Pretty easy and no practicing.
I suggest purchasing a coupler with the Russian Tips. The Russian Tips are very large and changing them in the bag is a major production.
I showed you how to make an Icing Rose and a Forking Easy Drop Flower…isn’t that sweet 🙂