NEW DiFFerENT WEIRD Limited and Special Edition Foods Out There March 2019

There is ALWAYS something New, Weird, Different, Limited and Special Edition out there in the wonderful world of food. I never know what the Fork I’ll come across when I go to a store. Pictured above are Limited Edition CAP’N CRUNCH’S Chocolatey Berry Crunch Cereal in two great flavors. It reads on the box Chocolaty Berry Crunch…….I think that might mean something like chocolate (chocolaty) and berry (berry-like). Woo Hoo natural and artificially flavored WOO HOO!

Oh JOY! Leftover from Christmas Limited Edition Gingerbread Spice Multigrain Life Cereal. Well at least it’s on clearance like it Forking should be.

More even OLDER Leftovers……….Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Life Cereal……But notice it’s natural flavored with OTHER natural flavors…….WTFORK are OTHER natural flavors….lizard poop, cat farts, dog vomit…WTFORK are OTHER natural flavors? The Gingerbread Spice above also has OTHER natural flavors…….??????????????

Here’s Limited Edition Banana Creme Frosted Flakes with Natural Flavors and OTHER Natural flavors………..don’t know if this one is great?

NEW- Vanilla Silk Oat Yeah Oat Milk….?????????……Since when did oats grow breasts for milking? This is new to me….Guess it must be those wild oats?

OMG there’s a bunch of NEW! Oat Milk out there in chocolate, extra creamy, original and vanilla……

Here are Sweet Limes…..(look at bag Sweet Limes) They are very unusual and different. Sweet Limes lack the sour that a regular lime has. These Sweet Limes are edible and nothing in them makes your mouth pucker……They taste sort of like sweet lime aid. They also are softer than a regular lime and feel like a Meyer Lemon.

NEW! Go-Gurt Drunkards ….OPPS! I mean Dunkers in low fat strawberry with something that looks like a dog biscuit or cookie?……(ick)

Here’s Chobani Gimmies Super Berry Rocket Yogurt Tubes…….I’ve never noticed them before. They are different! Nothing artificial and 25% less sugar…….

Here’s Chobani Gimmies in individual servings. The flavors here are ChoCo Chunk Cookie Dunk, Best Birthday Ever, Popping Cotton Candy, Rainbow Sprinkle Cone and Ooey Gooey s’More. Yogurt was a healthy food at one time. In the old days hippies that were on drugs used to purchase plain yogurt and even when they were on drugs were able to mix in their own fruit and nuts themselves. Today’s morons aren’t as capable and are willing to pay more for yogurt too.

Some idiot out there is a FORKING genius! Failed at baking a birthday cake and re-purposed it and shoved it in a jar to sell to other idiots. They call the birthday cake cookie dough but you can’t make cookies or birthday cake out of it…….People buy a failed birthday cake in a tub and eat it up……..go figure!

If you aren’t capable of squirting Sriracha on your packaged salmon yourself……Thank GOD that Chicken of the Sea packages Salmon with the Sriracha already on it….What’s an Imbecile to do?

How about a Cauliflower quick meal of Peruvian Vegetables…..? Here’s a bundle pack of six of them…..That’s New and Different!

Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch that is made with real cheese that is Macaroni and Cheese……..not sure if flavored or is just suppose to look like Mac N’ Cheese?…….

Here’s Taco Bell Brand Tortilla Chips in Mild and Fire?……I thought tortilla chips were suppose to be corn flavored and are to be dipped in sauce…not coated with sauce flavoring….It’s odd that the mild bag reads on the front – You gonna finish that?……sounds like there’s a reason not to?????? just saying

Now for something completely different…….Korean Kimchi BBQ flavored small batch Pork Rinds…..Go a head….pig out!………..and WOO hoo! They’re gluten free!

Who knew that Combos would ever come in Honey Sriracha Flavor now?

Combos stuffed pretzels also come in caramel too for a sweet and salty kick……..?

Sun Maid makes Bite Size Premium Cookies in Oatmeal Raisin Apple……….

I’m very surprised that Sun Maid didn’t make Pure Milk Chocolate covered raisins decades ago……..They sound better than the well known chocolate covered raisin.

Nathan’s Restaurant Style Hot Dog Buns……I’ve never noticed these before….who knew!

Here’s a crushed bag of Quaker Brand Sweet Oat Crisps in Blackberry Pomegranate flavor with “OTHER” natural flavors………That’s sort of different.

Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Hazelnuts…..Oh YES I DID!…….These are good…The Hazelnuts actually taste toasted and are flavorful, it’s sweet and salty…The chocolate melts….It’s yummy!

This is NEW M&M’s Chocolate Bars. I purchased one….The one marked Almond.

No matter what flavor you pick they have M&M Minis in them……….This is good…I’d get it again….

Here’s Sheila G’s Peppermint Dark Chocolate Bark mint brownie pieces covered in rich dark chelate with peppermint flakes and white chocolate drizzle…….sounds refreshing sweet and tasty..don’t know if they are………

NEW!- Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Thins….???????????? Cost about $2.00 an ounce!

NEW! Mango Chile NERDS……It says on box NO Artificial Flavors….Has potential to taste good!

Saw this handmade Chocolate Easter Egg at Marshall’s…It’s really big…maybe around 12 inches high. I thought it was pretty and different.

Here’s Limited Edition The most DREK…..I mean STUFF Most creme ever Oreo Cookies.

And if the most drek……I mean STUFF Oreo isn’t enough for you then you can choose Limited Edition Easter egg Oreo Egg Shaped Cookies!

Well that was the NEW, DIFFERENT, WEIRD, Limited and Special Edition Foods out there for March 2019. Who knows WTFork I’ll come across next month!

The Forking Truth

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