There is always something New, Weird, Different, Limited or Special Edition out there in the wonderful world of food. I usually go to a store to find these things but since the pandemic I’ve been shopping mostly from home.
NEW – Up above is Trix Trolls World Tour Cereal with Marshmallows. I wonder how the tour went….Guessing it probably didn’t go too far.
LIMITED EDITION – Kellogg’s MASHUPS is Frosted Flakes that are mixed with Froot Loops…..sounds a little flaky to me…….Whatever
WEIRD – I was searching for yeast and couldn’t get any and brought up the whole baking department and searched all 17 pages and came across this McCormicks artificially flavored Cake Batter Extract. I just can’t wrap my head around this one…..Why would anyone ever need this? If you are making a cake it should taste like cake….Do you put this on a steak to try to fool people? I just don’t get this one.
NEW – Klondike donut flavored treats in Triple Chocolate, Boston Cream and Frosted Strawberry. Well these sound tasty…..
I didn’t take this picture. My husband braved going to Costco and took this picture for me because he thought I’d want to see this.
DIFFERENT – Dried Sea Cucumber at $47.99 a pound. I never tried a sea cucumber. It is a sea animal. I read that it is similar to a worm so I KNOW that I would never try it. (P.S. I am from PA where it used to rain a lot and worms gross me out. They gross me out so much that the smell of them used to me me throw up when I walked to school in the rain)
NEW – Snickers Candy Poop Popcorn and Sweet Chaos Cold Stone Cake Batter Popcorn…..????
NEW – Triscuit in cheddar and tzatziki flavors……ummmm?
NEW – Albert Menes French Spiced Beer Preserve…..I wonder if it makes you burp?
DIFFERENT – My husband stepped out to buy cheese and saw this Boar’s Head Everything Bagel Hummus. There is no bagel but it is called everything bagel hummus…..Wouldn’t a better name be “Everything but the Bagel Hummus?”
DIFFERENT – Dos Cabezas Pink Sparking Wine in a Can for $20.@
Do the can Can!
Maybe NEW and DIFFERENT – Vegetarian Steak and Vegetables in a can! WOW how good can it get….How good “CAN” it get?
Maybe NEW and it certainly its DIFFERENT – Braised GLUTEN in a can…..Can that be good? “CAN” that be good?
Even during the pandemic new Oreo Cookies can be found.
Here are LIMITED EDITION Tiramisu artificially flavored Oreo Cookies.
Who knows what the FORK I’ll find next month but that was the NEW, WEIRD, DIFFERENT, Limited and Special Edition Foods out there for June 2020.