I got these lobster mushrooms so I knew that I had to do something special with them. Lobster mushrooms are different from other mushrooms and do have a faint seafood taste. I thought seafood and that is how I came up with Old Bay Beer Batter and Caper Sauce. They came out delicious but I made about twice as much batter as I needed so I also battered onion rings and a couple small heirloom tomatoes. My idea of serving size might differ from your idea of serving size. For us this made 8 small servings. I used almost a half a pound of lobster mushrooms and one large onion. (I am guessing around a total of 8 servings) I do note that reheated servings did become crisp again when reheated in the oven.
Ingredients for around 8 servings
canola or vegetable oil to fry with (about thumbs length in pot)
1 can beer (I used almost the whole can….the amount of liquid will differ slightly depending on the flour you use)
1 cup flour
1 egg – beaten
1 Tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning – plus extra to dust afterwards
1/2 lb lobster mushrooms cut in strips
1 large onion – thick slices for rings
6 anchovies
1 Tablespoon anchovy oil from can or bottle
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon – just the fresh squeezed juice
1 garlic clove – ground to paste
1 teaspoon capers
1/4 cup parsley leaves
Make sauce. Blend together the anchovies, oils, lemon juice, garlic and parsley. Set to the side.
Line a pan or two with paper towels for your fried food.
Get your sauce pot for frying. Fill about a thumbs length with oil. Set it on medium high. Once hot turn down around medium. When oil is ready make the batter. In a big bowl add the flour and old bay seasoning. then add beer and egg and mix well. Do a sample piece first before you fry all of them so you can adjust the flour and beer ratio. It will be very hot so be careful. When you are happy with it drop some mushrooms into the batter and coat them. Shake off excess batter and BE CAREFUL. Use tongs to drop them in the oil. They get done really fast but need to be turned over to brown on both sides. Do the same with the onion rings. Dust lightly with more Old Bay Seasoning. Serve.

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