Since the pandemic I’ve been researching food more on the internet. I’ve found many imaginary food products that seem amusing. I think a few I found might actually be for real but the majority and part of someones imagination. I found many odd flavors for Oreo Cookies. Up above are McDonalds Cheeseburger Cookies. Can’t you mustard that?
Next are Spam Oreos made with 100% Spam that you might want to pig out on.

They even have the U kosher mark on the package (lol)
How about-

Limited Edition College Flavor Oreos made with pot and ramen.
Or maybe Limited Edition Zombie Brains is more your thing?

They are artificially flavored with Blood Orange.
Lets move on to something different but also weird.

Tastes Like Grandma – Homemade Black Raspberry Jam……Sounds like someone was licking up grandma……

Then there is Fuke brand ??? Not sure what this is suppose to be? Is it meat shredded by a child? Is it meat for children? Or is it bottled meat from children?
The next one is “R” rated.

Grace Brand Cock flavored soup….It looks real? …Maybe it’s male chicken soup?……Don’t know if it is?
I heard of monkey bread…but this is not that.

Roasted Monkey Nuts……Product of China…. (eat before December 23 2010….LOL…OLD NUTS)
Next is 100% “HAND” Reared Pork.

Pinky’s Sausages….Can you handle this?
How about some Limited Edition Pop-Tarts?

But just the crust?…….
Maybe potato chips are more your thing?

Lay’s Sour Milk Potato Chips…That might taste something like sour cream, yogurt or buttermilk?
Maybe some Fagottini?

Found another Oreo Cookie!

Nabisco GOreo made with blood cookies that are artificially flavored.
Well that is some of the Forking Funny (mostly) IMAGINARY Foods Out There on the Internet.