My FORKING Thoughts on San Carlo la Vita e Buona Pesto Flavored Potato Chips

I came across these San Carlo la Vita e Buona Pesto Flavored Potato Chips from a specialty on line food store called Yummy Bazaar when I was there buying something else. It says on the bag that this is Italy’s #1 potato chip and I like pesto so I wanted to give it a try.

The ingredients look safe.

I open it up and take a whiff……

It smells something like dried basil………..

I spill some out….

The chips are on the small side.

I eat a few.

They taste almost like pesto…………but a little different……I almost never say this but I think that these chips can use some salt.

The texture of the chips is very different from most chips that I have tried.

The chips are extra thin and have like a hard thin but delicate styrofoam texture that is very strange.

The flavor is a little off………… but because of the texture I might not try this brand again.

That was my FORKING Experience with San Carlo La Vita e Buona Pesto Flavored Potato Chips.

But your FORKING Experience may indeed differ.

The Forking Truth

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